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Our village is hosted by various associations throughout the year. The festival committee is contributing by organizing various events such as the winter formal, the fishing contest, meal July 14, plus the four-day annual festivals centered around the August 15
It is almost time of the festivities! That is why we are working hard to better prepare the holidays 2015. You can now discover the program: https://commune-madiran.com/fete-de-madiran-2015/
Le Bureau
The Festival Committee of the office consists of:
DUTOUR Arnaud and Jean-François GIEUSSE co-chair;
Lionel Pedemanaud Treasurer;
Noelly LUSHERO secretary. -
The festival committee is an association which saw the old leave, and are replaced by younger .. As the years pass, more workloads and responsibilities are proving important! Therefore, any help is welcome.
The Festival Committee is an association law 1901 consisting exclusively of volunteer members, all passionate about their town and taste of the festival. It is an organization that allows all visitors (Madiran and foreign) to enjoy entertainment throughout the year. We invite all volunteers who wish to join us.
Today, the festival committee is twenty active members! It is together that we develop a whole program and that we put in place. Fortunately there are many volunteers who are willing to give a hand such as during the preparations for the annual festival of Madiran.