Informations :
Email : deniscapmartin@laposte.netSite Web : www.chateaubarrejat.com
Téléphone : 05 62 69 74 92
Horaires :
Monday to saturday
8h30 - 12h30 / 14h - 19h
Closed the sunday

The force of the property is to have an enormous capital of old vines. Over the years, Château Barréjat managed to make out and collect a beautiful prize list of distinctions : 13 medals at the ” Concours Général Agricole de Paris” since 1995. It ranked “excellent” in the guide Parker of the wines. And it is also quoted in many other guides.
You will discover in its new shop a beautiful range of Madiran and Pacherenc of Vic–Bilh dry and soft.