Informations :
Email : closfardet@gmail.comSite Web : www.madiran-clos-fardet.com
Téléphone : 06 47 86 12 87
Adresse : 3 chemin de Bel Air
Horaires :
From monday to saturday
10h – 18h
Fix a meeting

The work at the wine storehouse
Side wine storehouse, Pascal SAVORET always vinifies Madiran in old the cuvon press builds in 1923 by his back grandfather Romain CLOSES, which makes it possible to work in manual trapping and to have an optimal extraction of best tannins. After a first winter on dregs, the malos are done out of barrels inspring, then after the refining of a last winter, the wines are bottled the summer.
The vineyard of Fardet is a small field of 3 hectares located in full heart of the soil of Madiran, on a slope directed full south, near the chain of the Pyrenees. Restructured in 1960 by the grandfather, Eugene MOUTOUE FARDET, the vine benefits from the sunning of the rising tothe sunset, as well as dominant winds of west. The quality of this exposure combined to the quality of the ground, the limono–argillaceous gravettes, very rich in manganese, do of this soil one of best for the wine of Madiran.
That it is with the vine or the wine storehouse, Pascal Savoret works in reasoned production combining old and modern methods.
A wine is not only one bottle or a soil, but also avine grower, with his personality and its methods.