Informations :
Email : domainedebarbazan@yahoo.frTéléphone : 05 62 96 35 77
Horaires :
Opened from Monday to Saturday
(preferably fix a meeting)
10h - 12h / 14h - 19h
Opened the Sunday
only fix a meeting

The property is located on the village nammed Soublecause, near the road D 935 (road of Tarbes/Bordeaux).
Bio certification
The vines are in biological culture since 2002. The production is certified FR BIO-07 Agrocert.
The property is composed of 3 hectares vines inproduction providing 3 vintages. They reflect each one their soil of origin: limonosableuses clays with large rolled rollers, muddy clays and clays limestones.
“Passionnate by wines since a long time, I like to make frank and digestible wines, with a strong identity, worked out without being denatured.”